Monday, May 4, 2009

Back on Track - Monday, May 4th

So back on the detox part of the diet, trying to get things back to the routine

-breakfast: yogurt, mixed berried, protein powder and powders

-snack: same as breakfast, never seem to get tired of the fruit and yogurt combo

-lunch: cottage cheese (about 1 cup), carrots, broccoli and celery, apple and an orange

-snack: got home too late and had an early dinner

-dinner: two slices of pork loin roast (about 4 oz), with a spinach salad with broccoli, tomato, onions and carrots

-snack: about an ounce of walnuts, needed to have more but it was after 8 pm and I've been trying to avoid food after 8 but I felt I needed the nuts

-my knee is still bugging me so I opted to not to interval training, don't need to aggravate it more, did 25 mins on the elliptical at a constant pace, I know it doesn't contribute to fat burning as effectively

-did some of the fat blaster activities
     -weighted step ups 2x 20 with 20lbs each side (10 lbs each side)
     -split squat with dumbbell curl 1x 20, 1x 15 with 7lb weights
     -alternate dumbbell row 2x 20 5lb weights
      -push ups 2x 15

     -squat shoulder raise 2x 20 7lbs
     -deadlift 2x 20 7lbs
     -dumbbell curl to shoulder 2x 15   7lbs
     -pull downs with red tubing  2x 20
     -tricep pull downs (red)  2x 20
      -dumbbell corkscrew lift 2x 12  5lbs
     -flys flat and incline 2x 15 for both 5 lbs
     -bench press (using free weights) 20 lbs

     -upward crunch with weight (5lbs) 2x 20
     -side crunch on the ball  2x 20
     -russian twist (no weight) 2x 20
     -reverse crunch 2x 20
     -bicycle 2x 40
     -obliques 2x 20
     -lying side reach 2x 15

Workout seemed a little more difficult, maybe I'm just tired. Well it's off to sleep now, quite tired from my weekend away.

Week of April 27 to May 1st

So this week has flown by and has been hectic. I never wrote down what I ate but stuck to the plan, can't really remember blowing it as far as eating goes. Not enough time in the day have to create it to get this blog done nightly.  

Exercise was fine: 

Monday I ran for 43 mins, but unfortunately tweeked my right knee which has influenced  my exercise the remainder of this week

Tuesday swam for 1950 metres

Wednesday my knee was too swollen so I took the day off

Thursday night swam 1750 metres

Haven't gotten the weights in this week and it's not good. Have really noticed that my swimming has improved from lifting the weights. I feel much stronger in the water.

Friday went away for the weekend. Was concerned about eating seeing as we'd be eating out the whole weekend. I tried to stick to eating salads, salmon etc. wiped off any sauces, asked for dressing on the side etc. Did my best but boy is it hard to eat a restaurant and still be good. So many temptations but I think I did pretty good. I'm sure the caloric intake was higher than it should have been. In the end when I came home I expected to have gained weight but was pleasantly surprised. As far as exercise went, I tried to jog for about 20 mins. to see how knee would make out, was okay but not great. We walked everywhere we went which was good.
Sunday was drive home day so no exercise again.

I'm home for the next three days so I have to be especially good as I head off again for 4 days with girlfriends for a weekend away (Mother's Day treat). Another challenge ahead again.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Monday, April 27, 2009

So back to the routine:

breakfast: 1 cup of mixed berries
                  3/4 cup of vanilla yogurt
                   vanilla protein powder and other powders

snack:  same as breakfast, with 1/2 cup yogurt and powders

lunch: salad with spinach, cuke, red pepper, onions, cabbage, about 2 oz nuts with  raisins in                    there too, balsamic vinagrette, also had an apple and an orange

snack: apple with peanut butter

dinner: didn't eat dinner at the table with my family as I was running my daughter to her                           activities. Did my run while she swam and then ate my dinner after I brought her to her               second activity. Didn't really have a proper meal and it might be why I wanted                               something more and turned to the nibbs, bad choice. I ate 6 bbq chicken wings, about                   12  carrots , a whole red pepper, couple pita  crackers (6), had a handful of nibbs (bad                   girl)

snack: green tea and about 8 walnut halves

lately wanting to eat some bad things, not sure why, but still feel great. Just seems to be this week that I want some of those other things that I've been resisting. I could not write them down but we're suppose to be honest aren't we?


-ran for 43 mins (calories about 410, hbt  136-165)
-did some abs exercises and stretching

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sunday, April 26, 2009

So I've skipped a few days, too much going on to write things down. Didn't get a workout on either Friday or Saturday, managed eat okay, ended up going out for dinner on Saturday night but chose some salmon with a salad and asparagus. Tried to wipe off sauces etc. but I'm sure the caloric value was higher than it would have been if I made it at home. So Sunday is another day and here we go:

-breakfast: muffin
                     herbal tea

-snack:  missed snack as I was working out, added more protein to lunch

-lunch: spinach salad with nuts (2 oz of nuts and raisins), carrots, red peppers, cucumber,                           broccoli, cabbage, onions, one hard boiled egg with oil and vinegar dressing

-snack: 1 cup orange juice with protein powder and other powders
              had two handfuls of pretzels

-dinner: chicken salad (2 oz of meat) and all sorts of vegetables, oil and vinegar dressing
                herbal tea
                drank about 5 glasses of water, need to drink more


-22 min intervals on the elliptical ( 1- 1:45, 6 intervals)  (550 calories, hbt 114-172, 1:35 mins)
Fat Blaster: 2x 20 weighted step up with 10 lbs
-2x 20 walking lunge with 7 lbs
-1x 20/ 1x 15 push ups
-2x 20 alternate dumbbell row
-1x 20/ 1x 15 split squat with dumbbell curl

-2x 20 shoulder raise with squat
-2x 15 dumbbell curl to shoulder press 7 lbs
-1x 10/1x 15 bench dips
-2x 20 kneel pull down grip (red tube)
-2x 20 tricep push down (red tube)
-1x 15 dumbbell corkscrew 5 lbs (both sides)
-1x 20/ 1x 18 incline flys 5lbs
-2x 20 bench press 
-2x 20 dumbbell french press 10 lbs

Arms fatigued today, feeling the burn!!

-2x 20 upward crunch
-2x 20 side crunch
-1x 15 russian twist 5 lbs, 2x 20 russian twist with no weights
-2x 20 corkscrew crunch 
-2x 20 reverse crunch
-2x 40 bicycle
-2x 20 lying oblique crunch

-2x 20 leg raises (both sides)
-2x 20 inner thigh lift (both sides)


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Well yeah sure I'll remember what I ate, will type in later, well three days later I don't have a clue. I do remember that I swam 1950 meters, so that's it for my entry.

Wed. April 22, 2009


-breakfast: 3 egg whites with green onion, red pepper, and tomato
-snack: mango and peaches (1 cup)with 1/2 cup of yogurt, scoop of protein powder and other

-lunch: 3/4  cup of cottage cheese

-snack: apple with 1 tbsp of peanut butter

-dinner: can of tuna mixed with 1 tbsp of mayonnaise and dill seed
                place tuna mix on a bed of salad:cucumber, cabbage, onion, red pepper and tomato

-snack: 1/2 cup of popcorn

-intervals on the elliptical (22 mins)
- 4 min warmup, 5 intervals (1  - 1:45), with a 6 min cool down
_ not such a good workout, feeling quite tired today

WHOLE FAT BLASTER: 2x 15 weighted step up 7 lbs
 -2x 15 walking lunges 5 lbs
-2x 15 push ups
-2x 15 dumbbell row 7 lbs
-2x 15 split squat dumbbell curl

-1x 15 inner thigh
-1x 20  "         "
-2x 15 plie squat
-2x 15 step up leg lift

-2x 30 bicycle
-2x 15 obliques
-2x 15 russian twist

-2x 15 romanian split squat
-2x 15 extension on the ball
-2x 15 donkey kicks

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

This week has been hectic and I'm just not doing as well as I should be.


breakfast: bran muffin
                   3 slices of pineapple
                   herbal tea

snack: yogurt with mixed berries and powders

lunch: chicken salad with balsamic vinagrette

snack: apple with 1 tbsp of peanut butter

dinner: 5 oz steak, oops not chicken or salmon
              greek salad with feta, tomato, cucumber and onions and balsamic vinagrette


-no cardio today, no gas today to do anything for some reason but decided I really had to do some weights

-2x 15 squat front shoulder raise 7lbs
-2x 15 push ups
-2x 15 deadlift 7 lbs
-2x 15 dumbbell curl to shoulder press
-2x 15 dumbbell flys
-2x 20 upward crunch
-2x 20 side crunch
-2x 15 lying oblique
-2x 30 bicycle

Monday, April 20, 2009


breakfast: yogurt, fruit, powders and protein

snack: same as breakfast, but smaller quantity

lunch: chicken salad with balsamic vinagrette

dinner: pork chop (about 3 oz), and the usual salad

snack: 3 slices of apple with 1tbsp of peanut butter
    1 oz of nuts

-ran 43 mins (hbt 147-172, 413 calories)
- abs: bicycle 2 x 30
           obliques 2 x 15
           crunches 2 x 15
           side slide 2 x 15
           knee tucks 2 x 15
           upward crunch 2 x 15

Sunday, April 19, 2009


breakfast: green tea x2
   1 egg and 2 egg whites

snack: 3/4 cup yogourt
            1 cup of mixed berries
            1 scoop of protein powder and other necessary powders

lunch: not hungry, not suppose to skip but ate about 10 spoons of vanilla yogurt

snack: apple with peanut butter and 2 oz of nuts

dinner: 4 oz of chicken, with a salad and a 1/4 of an organic cookie

Today was my day off for workouts, lots of things I needed to do today and helping out at a sporting event took up all of my afternoon.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Saturday, April 18, 2009

So was hoping for a relaxing Saturday but as always things become busy and time flies by without noticing it.

-breakfast: 1 egg and 2 egg whites, made into an omelet with red pepper, tomato and onion
     had some green tea and glass of water
-snack: bowl of fruit (this time frozen peaches and mangoes) with some vanilla yogurt (1/2 cup0
-lunch: 1 1/2 cup of yogurt with all powders missed them earlier, 1 scoop of protein powder and 12 carrots

-mid day snack: apple with 1 tbsp of almond butter, 3 pieces of pineapple, more water and cup of green tea.  (had my eight glasses of water with the tea)

-dinner was out for Chinese food: yummy, but had to be more selective than usual, had the almond guy ding which is basically like chopsuey (celery, carrots, chicken, almonds and mushrooms, very tasty and not heavy), had a small slice of lemon chicken, two prawns, some stirfried ginger beef and some honey garlic pork. Some of the proteins did contain coatings so I kept those to a minimum and ate a ton of guy ding (ok a ton is an exaggeration Rylan, in case you read this) and had more of the stirfried ginger beef. No alcohol. Did not eat any chow mein or any rice or dessert.

Strangely enough I'm not getting bored of eating some of the same foods over and over again. The apple with peanut butter is like a treat, I've always loved yogurt with fruit, and I've always enjoyed salads and just try to make variations of them. We'll see if I feel the same another month from now

-22 min interval training: 4 min warm up, 6 intervals (1:1:45) and a 2 min. cool down

-2x 12 squat with shoulder raise - 7 lbs (increase)
-2x 12 deadlift 7 lbs (same)
-2x 12 dumbbell curl to shoulder press 7lbs
-2x 10 bench dips
-2x 12 kneeling narrow grip pulldowns (higher resistance tubing)
-2x 15 kneeling tube row and tube press (more resistance)
-2x 15 squat shoulder press
-2x 15 cable curl to chest press
-2x 10 incline pushups
-2x 12 dumbbell corkscrew
-2x 15 incline dumbbells up and down (5lbs)
-2x 15 dumbbell french press 7 lbs
-2x 12 tricep pulldown (higher resistance tubing

-2x 15 upward crunch 7 lbs
-2x 15 side crunch on ball both sides
-2x 15 Russian twist 5 lbs
-2x 15 corkscrew crunch
-2x 10 ball roll outs (find these hard on the back, must be doing wrong)
-2x 15 cross over oblique crunch, both sides
-2x 30 bicycle

That was my day, workout felt good, big time sweat after the intervals. Went out and felt I could enjoy my dinner, but still choose wisely.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Friday, April 17, 2009

-breakfast: 3/4 cup of yogurt with 1 cup of berries, 1 scoop of protein powder and other powders

-snack: 1/2 cup of yogurt with 1 cup of mixed berries

-lunch:salad spinach with 1/2 tomato, 1/4 cup of strawberries, 1/4 of a red pepper,green onions and 5 slices of cuke with oil and vinegar dressing (1tbsp of each), also had an orange and an apple

-snack of apple had at lunch did errands after work

-dinner: salmon steak, with salad same as lunch and 4 raw broccoli

-ended up going out after the hockey game and was hungry, had the Citrus Chicken salad which was basically a tossed salad, left out the noodles, had about 3 oz of chicken and had the lime dressing put on the side, used a lot less this way

-this was my day off, good thing because I could really feel my arms today after the workout and swim, they are sore!!!!!

Thurs, April 16, 2009

-breakfast: yogurt (3/4 cup), 1 cup of mixed berries and all the necessary powders, plus 1/2 scoop protein powder

-snack: yogurt (1/2 cup) with 1 cup mixed berries

-lunch: 3/4 cup of cottage cheese, carrots, apple and an orange

-snack: apple with 1 tbsp of almond butter

-dinner: salmon steak on the bbq (seasoned with olive oil, soya sauce), spinach salad with strawberries, red pepper, tomato and balsamic vinagrette


-did the Obama workout - made it through 2x did 15 reps of each exercise except for planks, which did side ones and center (8 sets first time thru, 6 sets second time through), only made 10 bench dips second time through.
-it was a hard workout but doesn't look that way on paper, burned 308 calories in the 30 minutes
- found the superset with the legs much easier to do than the arms which tells me what I have to work on
-also went swimming at night (swam 1750m) 

Wed. April 15, 2009

Bit behind on my journalling so they'll be brief.

-breakfast: 1 egg and 2 egg whites
- 1 cup of mixed berries

-snack: berries (1 cup) and 1/2 cup of yogurt (fat free vanilla) getting tired of plain

-lunch: cottage cheese (3/4 cup), carrots, a whole red pepper and an apple

-dinner: spinach salad, with 1/4 cup lean ground beef (my family was having tacos) 2 tbsp of salsa and 2 tbsp of cheddar cheese ( made my own version of a taco salad, was a nice change

-evening snack : apple with peanut butter, and a large navel orange


-ran about 5.5 km
-didn't get a chance to do weights, had to get groceries.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Well it's back to work and time to try and establish some sort of routine. For some reason which I don't know, I was in a bad mood and that didn't really help me when it came to eating and my outlook.

-breakfast: berry smoothie, made enough so that I could have it as my snack as well.
-snack: smoothie and a homemade bran muffin (miss my muffins for breakfast)
-lunch: 4 oz of chicken, about 15 carrots, a whole red pepper, THIS IS THE BAD PART MY MOOD MADE ME INDULGE IN CHOCOLATE, ABOUT 200 CALORIES WORTH, UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!
-afternoon snack: unfortunately food was brought into our staff meeting, I stuck mostly to the vegetables with a small amount of dip. I did indulge in two pieces of pepperoni and three small cubes of cheese
-dinner: 4 oz of chicken, spinach salad with tomatoes, red peppers, green onions and strawberries
-evening snack: an apple

-swimming for 1 hour (1900m)
-didn't get to do any weights today

Monday, April 13, 2009

Let's Get Back at It!

So after a relaxing sleep in it was time to start my day. Never really get the chance to sleep in so this was a nice change of pace. After doing a few things around the house I started on my workout routine.

-went on the elliptical for 25 mins with 5 intervals (1:2)
-did the butt booster and thunder thigh exercises
-went for a walk about 20-25 minutes in length
-did some ab exercises in the later evening

-breakfast: had Rylan's Ultimate Oatmeal
-didn't have snack as the oatmeal was still sitting there, due to a late start in m day
-lunch: had 4 0z chicken breast, about 10 small carrots, couple slices of tomato and red pepper
-afternoon snack: apple and 1 tbsp of almond butter
-dinner: 4 oz chicken, carrots and Asian thai salad (curious to see how the cabbage will affect me)
-have drank about three cups of tea, but not as much water as I usually do, need to have more

OOPS, have to come clean, I did have two small easter egg chocolates, just enough to satisfy the temptation, not planning on having more. I know not a good choice!!!  :(

Easter Sunday

So today was a right off for exercise, decided this would be a good day off. Eating was fine stuck to the elimination phase. Refrained from eating tons of chocolate as it is Easter, even watched my family eat carrot cake and didn't even have any. Starting to get some will power

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Well exercise and eating habits were much better today. Have to get back on track, much easier to keep on track when you're working than when you are off. Being on days off is great for working out though as you don't feel rushed and can do it earlier in the day and not after work.

-started my day off with a 5km run
-also did weights focusing on abs and arms

-can't really eat alot before going on a run, so I ate an orange and 8 strawberries
-after my run I had a Berry smoothie with protein powder in it, made a larger one to cover breakfast and snack (include psyllium and flax seed powder
-for lunch: had a spinach salad with strawberries, some almonds and some feta cheese with raspberry vinagrette
-afternoon snack: apple with 1 tbsp of almond butter
-dinner: 4 0z of steak (haven't really had any beef in over a month now, tasted pretty good, but kept the size of portion smaller, steamed broccoli and carrots and spinach salad (fairly plain tonight
-haven't been having any evening snack for about a week or more now

Friday, April 10, 2009

So it's the long weekend and I'm trying to stay motivated with exercise and eating properly. Didn't work out as well as I had hoped because I had to go to Kelowna to accomplish some tasks and ended up eating out.

-on the elliptical for 30 minutes and did the Muffin Blaster section for my abs
-didn't do much else as I was lacking energy today

-breakfast: started the day  off with Flax Plus cereal with strawberries and milk
-snack: ate some walnuts
-ate lunch out, tried to pick sensibly but a food fair doesn't always provide the best options: had Japanese food, teriyaki chicken with vegs, and some rice.
- ended up skipping my afternoon snack because I was wiped out and had a nap instead (was stil full from lunch still)
-dinner: salmon, steamed broccoli and carrots and a spinach salad with strawberries and a raspberry vinagrette

Not the best day for either eating or exercise. Seemed tired all day!!!Hopefully I can do better tomorrow.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Let the Competition Begin

Thursday, April 9, 2009

We're a week into the competition and I've finally gotten around to setting up my blog, hopefully I will find the time to add to it daily. Workouts have been going well so far, haven't quite figured out an exact workout schedule yet but I'm sure that will pan out real soon. Not sure how many body parts to focus on when doing the weights suggested in the Go Sleeveless program. So this is what I did and ate for today:

-moderate walk for about 30 mins
-cardio on the elliptical for about 19 mins. (didn't do the interval training part)
-followed exercises in the Whole Body Fat Blaster minus the mountain climber and burpees
-added some Thunder Thigh exercises such as the side knee tuck, side lunge, inner thigh leg lift, plie squat, and side leg lift.
-really been feeling the squats in the hamstrings and gluteus maximus (that's the butt!!) as long as it helps lift and tone, I'll keep doing them, NO PAIN, NO GAIN
-also did some sit ups, planned to do more intense abs tomorrow
-went and swam for an hour in the evening (about 1500 m), felt great tonight!!!

Food for the Day:
-3/4 cup of Natures Path Organic Flax Plus Pumpkin Raisin Crunch with Vanilla Soy beverage, thought I'd try the soy since so many others have, but definitely prefer skim milk (yuck)
-snack: 1/2 cup fat free plain yogurt and cup of mixed berries
-for lunch: cottage cheese, carrots, red pepper and an apple
-afternoon snack: apple and a tablespoon of almond butter, love the natural almond butter and peanut butter, lots of flavour and so good with apple slices
-dinner: bbq salmon steak, broccoli and a spinach salad with tomatoes, cuke, red peppers and green onions
-drank lots of water, more than 2L and had some tea, sometimes hard to drink that much

I must say that I do miss not getting to drink my glass of orange juice, but following the detox diet so far hasn't been too bad. Well it's midnight now and time to put the mind and body to rest.