Sunday, April 26, 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

This week has been hectic and I'm just not doing as well as I should be.


breakfast: bran muffin
                   3 slices of pineapple
                   herbal tea

snack: yogurt with mixed berries and powders

lunch: chicken salad with balsamic vinagrette

snack: apple with 1 tbsp of peanut butter

dinner: 5 oz steak, oops not chicken or salmon
              greek salad with feta, tomato, cucumber and onions and balsamic vinagrette


-no cardio today, no gas today to do anything for some reason but decided I really had to do some weights

-2x 15 squat front shoulder raise 7lbs
-2x 15 push ups
-2x 15 deadlift 7 lbs
-2x 15 dumbbell curl to shoulder press
-2x 15 dumbbell flys
-2x 20 upward crunch
-2x 20 side crunch
-2x 15 lying oblique
-2x 30 bicycle

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