Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Well it's back to work and time to try and establish some sort of routine. For some reason which I don't know, I was in a bad mood and that didn't really help me when it came to eating and my outlook.

-breakfast: berry smoothie, made enough so that I could have it as my snack as well.
-snack: smoothie and a homemade bran muffin (miss my muffins for breakfast)
-lunch: 4 oz of chicken, about 15 carrots, a whole red pepper, THIS IS THE BAD PART MY MOOD MADE ME INDULGE IN CHOCOLATE, ABOUT 200 CALORIES WORTH, UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!
-afternoon snack: unfortunately food was brought into our staff meeting, I stuck mostly to the vegetables with a small amount of dip. I did indulge in two pieces of pepperoni and three small cubes of cheese
-dinner: 4 oz of chicken, spinach salad with tomatoes, red peppers, green onions and strawberries
-evening snack: an apple

-swimming for 1 hour (1900m)
-didn't get to do any weights today

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