Monday, May 4, 2009

Back on Track - Monday, May 4th

So back on the detox part of the diet, trying to get things back to the routine

-breakfast: yogurt, mixed berried, protein powder and powders

-snack: same as breakfast, never seem to get tired of the fruit and yogurt combo

-lunch: cottage cheese (about 1 cup), carrots, broccoli and celery, apple and an orange

-snack: got home too late and had an early dinner

-dinner: two slices of pork loin roast (about 4 oz), with a spinach salad with broccoli, tomato, onions and carrots

-snack: about an ounce of walnuts, needed to have more but it was after 8 pm and I've been trying to avoid food after 8 but I felt I needed the nuts

-my knee is still bugging me so I opted to not to interval training, don't need to aggravate it more, did 25 mins on the elliptical at a constant pace, I know it doesn't contribute to fat burning as effectively

-did some of the fat blaster activities
     -weighted step ups 2x 20 with 20lbs each side (10 lbs each side)
     -split squat with dumbbell curl 1x 20, 1x 15 with 7lb weights
     -alternate dumbbell row 2x 20 5lb weights
      -push ups 2x 15

     -squat shoulder raise 2x 20 7lbs
     -deadlift 2x 20 7lbs
     -dumbbell curl to shoulder 2x 15   7lbs
     -pull downs with red tubing  2x 20
     -tricep pull downs (red)  2x 20
      -dumbbell corkscrew lift 2x 12  5lbs
     -flys flat and incline 2x 15 for both 5 lbs
     -bench press (using free weights) 20 lbs

     -upward crunch with weight (5lbs) 2x 20
     -side crunch on the ball  2x 20
     -russian twist (no weight) 2x 20
     -reverse crunch 2x 20
     -bicycle 2x 40
     -obliques 2x 20
     -lying side reach 2x 15

Workout seemed a little more difficult, maybe I'm just tired. Well it's off to sleep now, quite tired from my weekend away.

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