Monday, May 4, 2009

Back on Track - Monday, May 4th

So back on the detox part of the diet, trying to get things back to the routine

-breakfast: yogurt, mixed berried, protein powder and powders

-snack: same as breakfast, never seem to get tired of the fruit and yogurt combo

-lunch: cottage cheese (about 1 cup), carrots, broccoli and celery, apple and an orange

-snack: got home too late and had an early dinner

-dinner: two slices of pork loin roast (about 4 oz), with a spinach salad with broccoli, tomato, onions and carrots

-snack: about an ounce of walnuts, needed to have more but it was after 8 pm and I've been trying to avoid food after 8 but I felt I needed the nuts

-my knee is still bugging me so I opted to not to interval training, don't need to aggravate it more, did 25 mins on the elliptical at a constant pace, I know it doesn't contribute to fat burning as effectively

-did some of the fat blaster activities
     -weighted step ups 2x 20 with 20lbs each side (10 lbs each side)
     -split squat with dumbbell curl 1x 20, 1x 15 with 7lb weights
     -alternate dumbbell row 2x 20 5lb weights
      -push ups 2x 15

     -squat shoulder raise 2x 20 7lbs
     -deadlift 2x 20 7lbs
     -dumbbell curl to shoulder 2x 15   7lbs
     -pull downs with red tubing  2x 20
     -tricep pull downs (red)  2x 20
      -dumbbell corkscrew lift 2x 12  5lbs
     -flys flat and incline 2x 15 for both 5 lbs
     -bench press (using free weights) 20 lbs

     -upward crunch with weight (5lbs) 2x 20
     -side crunch on the ball  2x 20
     -russian twist (no weight) 2x 20
     -reverse crunch 2x 20
     -bicycle 2x 40
     -obliques 2x 20
     -lying side reach 2x 15

Workout seemed a little more difficult, maybe I'm just tired. Well it's off to sleep now, quite tired from my weekend away.

Week of April 27 to May 1st

So this week has flown by and has been hectic. I never wrote down what I ate but stuck to the plan, can't really remember blowing it as far as eating goes. Not enough time in the day have to create it to get this blog done nightly.  

Exercise was fine: 

Monday I ran for 43 mins, but unfortunately tweeked my right knee which has influenced  my exercise the remainder of this week

Tuesday swam for 1950 metres

Wednesday my knee was too swollen so I took the day off

Thursday night swam 1750 metres

Haven't gotten the weights in this week and it's not good. Have really noticed that my swimming has improved from lifting the weights. I feel much stronger in the water.

Friday went away for the weekend. Was concerned about eating seeing as we'd be eating out the whole weekend. I tried to stick to eating salads, salmon etc. wiped off any sauces, asked for dressing on the side etc. Did my best but boy is it hard to eat a restaurant and still be good. So many temptations but I think I did pretty good. I'm sure the caloric intake was higher than it should have been. In the end when I came home I expected to have gained weight but was pleasantly surprised. As far as exercise went, I tried to jog for about 20 mins. to see how knee would make out, was okay but not great. We walked everywhere we went which was good.
Sunday was drive home day so no exercise again.

I'm home for the next three days so I have to be especially good as I head off again for 4 days with girlfriends for a weekend away (Mother's Day treat). Another challenge ahead again.